Recenziramo dobavljače na temelju strogih testova i istraživanja, ali uzimamo u obzir i vaše komentare te naše partnerske komisije s pružateljima usluga. Neki su pružatelji usluga u vlasništvu našeg matičnog društva.
Saznajte više
vpnMentor je utemeljen 2014. godine za recenziju VPN usluga i pisanje o novostima u vezi s privatnošću. Danas, naš tim stotina istraživača, spisatelja i urednika koji se bave kibernetičkom sigurnošću i dalje pomaže čitateljima boriti se za svoju online slobodu u partnerstvu s kompanijom Kape Technologies PLC koja je i vlasnik sljedećih proizvoda:, ExpressVPN, CyberGhost, Private Internet Access i Intego, koji mogu biti recenzirani na ovoj web stranici. Smatra se da su recenzije objavljene na stranici vpnMentor točne na datum objave svakog članka i napisane u skladu s našim strogim standardima recenziranja kojima je prioritet profesionalno i pošteno ispitivanje recenzenta, uzimajući u obzir tehničke sposobnosti i kvalitete proizvoda, zajedno s njegovom komercijalnom vrijednošću za korisnike. Rangiranje i recenzije koje objavljujemo mogu isto tako uzeti u obzir ranije navedeno zajedničko vlasništvo, kao i partnerske provizije koje zarađujemo za svaku kupovinu putem poveznica na našoj web stranici. Ne recenziramo sve pružatelje VPN usluga i smatra se da su informacije točne na dan objave svakog članka.
Informacije o oglašavanju

vpnMentor je utemeljen 2014. godine za recenziju VPN usluga i pisanje o novostima u vezi s privatnošću. Danas, naš tim stotina istraživača, spisatelja i urednika koji se bave kibernetičkom sigurnošću i dalje pomaže čitateljima boriti se za svoju online slobodu u partnerstvu s kompanijom Kape Technologies PLC koja je i vlasnik sljedećih proizvoda:, ExpressVPN, CyberGhost, Private Internet Access i Intego, koji mogu biti recenzirani na ovoj web stranici. Smatra se da su recenzije objavljene na stranici vpnMentor točne na datum objave svakog članka i napisane u skladu s našim strogim standardima recenziranja kojima je prioritet profesionalno i pošteno ispitivanje recenzenta, uzimajući u obzir tehničke sposobnosti i kvalitete proizvoda, zajedno s njegovom komercijalnom vrijednošću za korisnike. Rangiranje i recenzije koje objavljujemo mogu isto tako uzeti u obzir ranije navedeno zajedničko vlasništvo, kao i partnerske provizije koje zarađujemo za svaku kupovinu putem poveznica na našoj web stranici. Ne recenziramo sve pružatelje VPN usluga i smatra se da su informacije točne na dan objave svakog članka.

NordVPN vs VPN Tracker 2025

    Napomena urednika: Transparentnost i nepristranost su nam vrlo važni kada vam donosimo najbolji izbor VPN-ova. Neki od proizvoda, vodećih u industriji, na našem popisu, uključujući Intego, Private Internet Access, CyberGhost i ExpressVPN su u vlasništvu Kape Technologies, našeg matičnog društva. VPN-ovi koje smo odabrali su dobiveni iz temeljitog postupka testiranja.

    Naša ocjena

    Značajke 9.4/10
    Cijene 7.5/10
    Lakoća korištenja 9.5/10
    Pouzdanost i podrška 9.5/10
    Značajke 5.5/10
    Cijene 8.8/10
    Lakoća korištenja 6.0/10
    Pouzdanost i podrška 6.3/10


    Author Image Akash Deep
    Akash Deep

    Cybersecurity Researcher

    Naša ocjena: 9.4/10

    Na površini NordVPN djeluje kao zbilja impresivna usluga. Tvrdi da ima veliku globalnu mrežu poslužitelja, brze i pouzdane veze te značajke sigurnosti i privatnosti čvrste poput čelika. A sve to možete dobiti za samo $3.39/month. Sve ovo zvuči odlično, ali postoji li neka kvaka? Kako bih to provjerio, proveo sam dubinsku analizu NordVPN-a. Testirao sam njegove brzine te koliko dobro ra...

    Pročitaj sve
    Posljednja pozitivna korisnička recenzija
    The Best of The Best

    I simply tested all VPNs looking for cutting-edge online security, I tested the most expensive and the...  most talked about virtual anonymity, none made me as happy as NordVPN, it stands out for several reasons that the much more expensive ones it doesn't have, its double encryption, dedicated IPs, onion VPN, makes NordVPN unique, with almost 6,000 servers around the world and 12 million customers like me, you can see that NordVPN is not playing games with its customers and their online security , it always innovates to keep you more secure day after day, for a fair price in the long term and without sacrificing the speed of your connection, recently Nord is developing a new VPN protocol, Nordlynx a version still under construction derived from the Wireguard protocol, if you want to have a VPN of last security that think how it will make you more secure in the next month NordVPN is the right choice, I am completely thankful for being a customer and for finding what to me is the perfect VPN.Više

    Posljednja negativna korisnička recenzija

    BUYER BEWARE! If you purchase NordVPN, it will throttle your interned speed/connectivity by 50%, like ... it did to mine. I pay $100/month to get speeds of nearly 600mbs. With NordVPN turned on, my speeds decrease to 250mbs. Nord’s “customer support” is useless and unprofessional, and, after nearly 3 weeks of endless “try this, try that”, they were unable to resolve the issue and blamed it on everything under the sun except their product, when it is OBVIOUS that, since I have zero speed issues with Nord turned off, and ONLY experience the issues with Nord turned on, it is NordVPN that is causing the issue. When I asked them for a refund of my one year subscription paid in advance and in good faith, they refused, and have now decided to ignore me. So, YOU’VE BEEN WARNED. Their VPN will devastate your internet speeds, their “support” is ridiculous, they are in denial, and they will not refund your money, even if their product is a failure…Više

    Author Image Kristina Peruničić
    Kristina Peruničić

    Glavna urednica

    Naša ocjena: 5.5/10

    VPN Tracker is an excellent VPN for Mac and iOS devices, as can be shown with their high-quality iOS interface. VPN Tracker offers servers that are mainly meant for professional, business internet usage, which differs from the usual focus of using VPNs for personal use. Unlike personal VPNs, VPN Tracker lets you connect to multiple servers all over the world at the same time, so you can communica...

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    Posljednja pozitivna korisnička recenzija Još nema recenzija
    Napiši recenziju
    Posljednja negativna korisnička recenzija
    Ron Ross
    Worst Tech Support Ever

    I had been using VPN Tracker and World Connect for a number of years, and I don't know why. I guess on... e would call it lazy. I figured that it was easier than looking for alternatives. Each and every year VPN Tracker (Equinux) would faithfully deduct several hundred dollars (495.00) from my bank account (through credit card "on file") for the 12 months following the payment. All was humming along well until I needed tech support. That is when I realized how bad VPN Tracker was. Tech support? What tech support? It's almost non-existent. Keep in mind that VPN Tracker and World Connect are not freeware. They are fully chargeable software licenses. Yet, there is no number to call; only contact via email. Seriously? Email-only? C'mon, this is crazy. One pays a fairly high amount for use of their software for what would be considered a critical need, only to be at the mercy of whenever their support staff decided to acknowledge and reply to the request. My request for assistance was ignored for almost a week before the unending string of emails between Rafael and myself lead to nowhere. You know the drill. You contact tech support. They contact you back with a link to their FAQ's that have no relevance to the reason for contacting them in the first place. I finally gave up. At that point, I decided to move on and canceled my automatic renewal, which was scheduled to happen this July 2021. I fully expected usage of VPN Tracker and World Connect for the next four months. Not true, I come to find out. Because I canceled my auto-renewal, I wanted to delete my credit card information. That makes sense. Why have credit card information sitting on the servers of a company you no longer will be using when the subscription expires? Unfortunately, the credit card information can not be deleted by the subscriber, or so I come to find out. I then contacted Equinux and asked that my credit card information be removed from my account since I was not auto-renewing. Their reply was something that shocked me. They informed me that, if they delete the credit card info, it would then delete usage of the program even though I was paid through July 2021. This is why I left Equinux and VPN Tracker. They are the worst of all services I have ever used. Arrogant is a kind word. Save yourself the grief and look to any of the others, as I have. For the record, I have signed with Express VPN for anonymity and Sonic Mobile Connect for access to my local VPN. Goodbye Equinux and VPN Tracker. I wish I could say it was nice, but unfortunately, you soured me on our program with your policies and practices.Više


    Početna cijena €3.39/mjesečno
    Jamstvo povrata novca (u danima) 30 Dana
    Broj uređaja po licenci 10 uređaji
    Početna cijena $9/mjesečno
    Jamstvo povrata novca (u danima) 0 Dana
    Broj uređaja po licenci 15 uređaji

    Najbolji VPN po kategoriji

    Sveukupno najbolji VPN
    Najbolji VPN za torrente
    Najbolji VPN za Windows
    Najbolji VPN za Android
    Najbolji VPN za Mac
    Najbolji VPN za iOS
    Najbolji VPNi za SAD


    Author Image Akash Deep
    Akash Deep

    Cybersecurity Researcher

    Konačni zaključak – brz i iznimno siguran VPN NordVPN ima mnogo toga za ponuditi, od velikih brzina do optimiziranih poslužitelja i brzih, pouzdanih veza za streaming bez kašnjenja. Ima odlične sigurnosne značajke kao što je AES 256-bitna enkripcija i stroga politika bez zapisivanja logova kako bi vas zaštitio online. Njegovi su najveći nedostaci za mene bili dugo vrijeme spajanja te činjenica da je nešto kompliciraniji za korištenje za torrenting od drugih VPN-ova. Povrh toga, imao sam problema s pronalaskom odgovarajućih poslužitelja za gaming. No, usprkos ovim malim nedostacima, NordVPN nudi odličnu vrijednost za novac. Odlične brzine sa 7,187+ poslužitelja na 118 lokacije Privatnost - nema čuvanja podataka o aktivnosti korisnika 10 istovremenih veza Radi s Netflixom, (HBO) Maxom, Huluom i drugima Ugrađeno blokiranje oglasa i zlonamjernog softvera Specijalni poslužitelji kao što su P2P, Onion over VPN, Double VPN 24/7 live chat podrška Get started with NordVPN now Često postavljana pitanja

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    Vrijeme je za odluku koji vam najviše odgovara

    Ocjenjujemo dobavljače na temelju rigoroznog testiranja i istraživanja, ali također uzimamo u obzir vaše povratne informacije i naše komercijalne ugovore s pružateljima usluga. Ova stranica sadrži partnerske veze.